August 20, 2023

Full Moon

Did you know that more maternity nurses are hired during a full moon because there are more births? That’s right. Also, our police friends tell us that the force is on increased alert during a full moon because of increased violence.

It was a full moon when a cow that was usually quite gentle, barreled right into me. This happened to me and 2 other neighbors in our area.

It was a full moon when we took a load of lambs to the processor. Lambs are naturally quite gentle, but this day they were quite agitated.

We work really hard to keep our animals gentle, but there seems to be something about that full moon that causes more births, more violence, and animals to become nervous.

Over the years I have studied Native Americans and how they use different stages of the moon for different activities within their tribes. We must remember nature is always in control. I just wish I understood more.

Meat availability:
Beef - Currently we are good on all cuts and value packages, but they are moving fast.
Lamb - We are currently taking orders for spring 2024.

Posted on August 20, 2023 .